Pennsylvania Bull Elk trying to get the attention of a young cow
We spent three days in Pa Elk country this past week with friends Gary and Kim Amatrudo from Connecticut. As usual we were able to view 100+ elk. We saw a number of decent sized bulls but no "monster bulls". The rut was still active with bugling, sniffing and some breeding going on. The weather was unusually warm for late October and the elk were visibly in stress from the heat. Most of the foliage had long gone past peak color, but the Tamarack trees were in their yellow/orange splendor.
We spent a considerable amount of time watching nad following the bull pictured here.
Mornings in the Benezett PA area in the fall are normally very foggy which creates a beauty of its own. The early morning with fog is a great sight to see. This a the view of the valley between the Winslow Hill viewing area and the mine reclaim area. There were 4 to 5 bulls bugling as we stood and watched this beautiful scene. 

There were a number of snow buntings in the area-seemed unusual for this time of year-they are a very pretty bird
We also saw a number of Wild Turkeys and one group was a bunch of about 12 very mature gobblers feeding together.
Until next Time
Jim Borden