Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pa Fall Foliage 2010

Our part of Pennsylvania peaked with fall foliage early this year-so some of the spots we usually get to visit to take very colorful pictures were rather dull because we were in maine when our peak occurred.    However, there were some scenes that became very colorful late and it allowed us to take some good images.

Misty Morning Wilson Pond-Lymanville Pa

Reflection on Wilson Pond

Farm Pond near Springville Pa

View at Harrison Lookout in Pa Grand Canyon

View at Colton Point in Pa Grand Canyon

Falls on Campbell Run near Tiadagton Pa
Swimming Hole I enjoyed 45 or so years ago

Some of the above photos were taken using High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography.  

Until next Time
Jim Borden


Anonymous said...

Oh Jim, this is a treat.
Not many critters, but exquisite foliage and misty water scenes. You are fortunate to have spent time in these spots.
How many shots did you take for the HDR images? And which ones are they?
And how did the water in the waterfall image get so soft and fluffy? Long exposure?
So much to learn - so little time :-)

Erika B said...

Wow, spectacular shots! I looked at your other posts as well with more animals and they were equally stunning.

Erika B

Willard said...

A beautiful series, Jim. The foliage never really looked good in our area this year. Just too dry this summer I guess.

Cheryl said...

All of the photos are wonderful. What beauty surrounds us all.

Nontypical Pursuits said...

I'm new to this blog and am blown away by the photos. These HDR's are incredible. It makes me want to buy a good slr and start trying to get some good pics. Love everything you have here.

Lorne said...

I have always admired the reflections in "Space's Pond/Quarry Pond/Wilson's Pond/Whatever Other Names It's Had." What beautiful, beautiful pictures. (I believe the pond was made when clay was taken from there to make bricks...according to the map on the wall at the Tunkhannock courthouse.)