Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Shooting the Moon

Nikon D4; Nikon 600 f4@ f4, 1/60s, 200 ISO

I have always enjoyed observing the moon and stars and quite often I have taken pictures of the full moon.  Last evening I decided that the crescent moon deserved a chance.  The first image was taken in good light at about 7:15 PM.  I was in the house later and looked out and saw the crescent glowing orange just before it dropped below the horizon.  I could not resist capturing it.  I had to use higher ISO to keep the shutter speed up to avoid movement and to also avoid getting earth and moon movement.  The trailing edge is ragged looking due to the environmental effects of diffracted light as it was close to the horizon

Nikon D4; Nikon 600 f4@ f4, 1/80s, 10,000 ISO

Until next time

Jim Borden


Lindsjö taxar said...

Hi Jim! I just say hundred of WOWs, beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful and great....Moon pics with different color.....
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